Hip replacement surgery: Rear Mini approach, Front access, Upper access And access to the side – How does it work?
Hip replacement surgery can be done in different ways.
Using devices connected to tools for measuring angles that allows putting the implants in a precise posture, which enables optimal performance of the new joint and prevents complications such as discharges and instability.
During the surgery, precise and meticulous measurements must be done in order to achieve an equal length for legs.
It is important not to cut or disconnect one of the important muscles which stabilize the hip and enable rapid return to activity after surgery.
An orthopedic specialist in hip chooses the appropriate surgery access, without cutting the muscles, to keep them in their entirety. The method should be the safest and complications will be minimized.
In some cases, patients may stop using various support implements such as walkers or crutches, and this might happen within a very short period of recovery (within weeks).
Who Can Do the Surgery?
It is a must to set a meeting with an orthopedic specialist in hip before surgery, in which he examines the patient’s condition and the treatment options available to him. Only thereafter this meeting we can decide which approach to choose, which approach is correct and safest for him.