The concept of replacing the joint surface only (Resurfacing) tested 30 years ago and has completely failed. The main reason was the failure of the Cup made from Folialitn. Today, with the development of modern metallurgy technology, there has been a revival of the concept, which has important advantages: Minimal bone resection, the resulting joint is similar to the natural joint. Therefore, the range of motion is improved and due to the size of the head of the new hip immediate stability is improved – there are almost no discharges.
The disadvantage is that this surgery is more complicated in terms of ability and surgical skill, and therefore the operation is usually done only by a special expert on the subject.
Since 1997, the Resurfacing surgery is done with an implant developed by the English Dr. Mc Minn with excellent results in selected cases.
The surgery is not appropriate if it is necessary to equate the length of the legs, if the bone quality is poor and if there is a tough distortion in femoral head or neck of femur.
To conclude: The method (Resurfacing) is currently suitable for young active patients, with good bone quality and without malformations in head and neck of femur.